Every martial arts instructor knows that practicing martial arts at home is the key to achieving the skills needed to advance to black belt and beyond.
That’s why we’ve created the Train Martial Arts at Home Skill Drill Library (say that 3 times fast!). This is a library of different methods of practicing your martial arts at home, either with a partner or alone. The Skill Drill Library consists of many different lessons that explain different methods of training. This includes drills for the basics including kicks, punches, and blocks; drills for kata (forms); drills for one-steps (self-defense techniques); drills for parents who want to help their children practice martial arts; drills for partners, either adult or youth; drills for learning Kobudo (martial arts weapons); and more.
This is an ever expanding library of informational lessons to be used by martial artists who are looking to increase their exposure and knowledge of martial arts while keeping their at home training fresh and new.
Gone are the days for boring workouts. As a beginning martial arts student in 1982, I remember the boring training my instructor offered. It went something like this: do each kata you know 3 times a day, 100 punches / 100 kicks each day, and that was about it. Nothing to really keep someone interested. Nothing to help keep the training at home from becoming boring. I assume that’s one of the reasons my instructor used to greet new students with the prospect that only 1 out of 500 students ever completed their black belt. It’s amazing any of us completed their boring, mundane training!
Thankfully martial arts instruction has come a long way since then. As a part of that revolution of helping students achieve black belt rather than hinder their ability, we’ve gathered together some of the best lessons for training martial arts at home.
No matter where you are with you’re martial arts training, this library of information will help transform your training, and help you excel to the next level!
Check out the Train Martial Arts at Home Skill Drill Library and see for yourself.
Until next time, it’s to Your Success!
Sensei Mark Roscoe
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Only 3 Installments of $297 each
*Includes Everything in the Accelerated Black Belt Club
*Money Back Guarantee
Limited Time, Exclusive Offer
*No Matter Which Course You Choose, You'll Receive Free Access to the Train at Home Online Martial Arts Skill Drills Library Containing Dozens of Practical Training Drills You Can Do At Home Alone or With A Partner - A $17/month value!