Online Martial Arts Classes Continue to Grow in Popularity Martial arts have been around for centuries and continue to be a popular activity for people of all ages. In recent years, online martial arts classes have gained popularity as people seek new ways to stay...
There’s a lot of exercise programs available today, both online and offline. And it’s safe to say, that’s a good thing! Exercise, especially when building cardiovascular and muscle retention, is paramount to maintaining a healthy lifestyle through...
Whether you’re an online martial artist or simply training at home, kata will be a primary method of developing your skills for earning your black belt online. Much has been written about the benefits of kata training for martial arts. Some instructors have...
Every martial arts instructor knows that practicing martial arts at home is the key to achieving the skills needed to advance to black belt and beyond. That’s why we’ve created the Train Martial Arts at Home Skill Drill Library (say that 3 times fast!)....
One of the primary reasons I, Sensei Mark Roscoe, started Karate Academy Online was to provide an opportunity for ALL persons to experience the thrill of martial arts and aspire to Black Belt Excellence. This includes of course persons with physical disabilities. That...
The average cost of martial arts classes are usually dependent on several factors. These factors include geographic location, age of student, emphasis of instructor, and whether it is an independent school or other type of hosting organization like parks and...
Determining The Best Martial Arts for Self Defense This is a common question among those looking to train in martial arts for the purpose of self-defense. The simple answer to the best martial arts for self-defense is the one you choose to practice and perfect....
How To Choose A Martial Arts School For Your Child Let’s face it, most of us choose our personal services (barber, dry cleaning, etc.) by location, and many times this list includes martial arts. But when you’re choosing a martial arts school for your...
What is “Fitness” and how can training martial arts at home positively impact your fitness?Fitness has been defined by the US President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports as “the ability to carry out daily tasks efficiently with enough energy left...
This is a great question! And one that will generate as many answers as those schools/instructors in which you ask. In other words, it’s really up to the instructor. Some instructors want their students to have 7 or even 8 years of steady practice and class...