It seems that online martial arts courses and training is catching on more and more. When we launched Karate Academy Online back in May of 2015, there were only two programs that were primarily online, Karate Academy Online and one other. Now a quick Google search turns up over twenty different online martial arts courses available, with possible hundreds of other standalone courses (not sure of the exact amount as I wasn’t going to search through all the pages!). This is a clear sign that online martial arts courses are not only popular, but provide a much needed service to people who want to train in martial arts, but need an online option for one reason or another.

The best part of this evolution of online martial arts is the benefit to the student through numerous options. Some programs offer just a few courses, primarily directed at beginners, or seasoned students looking to dabble in other martial arts, while yet other online martial arts programs such as ours are focused on helping a student start from the beginning and progress all the way through black belt and beyond. In fact, we are continuing to develop not only our online black belt program, but all of our online programs including instructor training, online kobudo weapons training, and fitness karate in order to assist students in a life-long journey of martial arts improvement.

The challenging part of this increase in online martial arts course options is that some programs are thrown together simply to generate more revenue from already struggling schools. In an attempt to reach a larger market, martial arts schools are seeking out online teaching opportunities. Some of these come through online training environments such as Udemy and other websites offering courses on almost every type of learning available. These courses are great if you’re just trying to determine if online martial arts training is for you, but do not offer a clear path to black belt.

As we seek to improve Karate Academy Online, we constantly improve our courses, lessons and student interaction so that each student has an opportunity to benefit from the many skills, physical and mental, that are garnered through the training in martial arts. We invite you to be a part of this journey to Black Belt Excellence with us here, and encourage all of our students to be life-long learners no matter where that journey may take them!

As always, wishing you the very best,
Sensei Mark Roscoe

Karate Academy Online

Earn your Black Belt Online through our unique, proprietary online martial arts courses. Train Anywhere/Anytime.

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